Mugge Jéan Davidsen Fischer.


Resident in Marbella -. southern Spain since 2001.

 The artistic works from Mugge Jéan D. Fischer are many, and his talents widespreed - he is dedicated to painting, graphic design, dance, theater, events etc,

 His is recognised by the use of strong colours, and an untraditional use and mixture of old and new techniques.

Besides that, he has a fine sensibility in adapting special orders to the surroundings to which they are designated. His Portraits are also very special and very highly appraised.

He is constantly searching for new possibilities and ideas.

 During the last 7 years he has been doing works of art (portraits, modern art etc.) for clients from e.g.: Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark and the United States.


Mugge Jéan Davidsen Fischer.


Vive en Marbella - desde 2001.
Los talentos de Mugge Jéan D. Fischer som muchos: Baile, diseño grafico, teatro, eventos, arte, pintura etc.

Su arte es arte con muchos colores y un non tradicional uso de tecnicas modernas junto con tecnicas antiguas.

Sus retratos son un lujo para los clientes en todo el mundo.

Durante los ultimos 7 años Mugge Jean D. Fischer he hecho obras de arte para clientes de: Portugal, España, Noruega, Dinamarca y Estados Unidos.